The 3 W’s of Life


As guys, we like it simple. As Christian guys, we want to follow Jesus, but we need constant inspiration to stay on track—to love our families, do our jobs, keep out of trouble, and put faith into action.

Here’s 3 W’s that, hopefully, will bring some clarity and encouragement for you this week.


Every morning, the best move for us is to put our hand in Jesus’ hand and stick close to Him. Follow. Not always the easiest way, but always the best way. Mother Teresa’s mom said to her before she entered the ministry: ““Put your hand in His hand and walk all alone with Him.” Regardless of our support system or relationships, this is great advice. Walk with Jesus—daily, no matter who else does or doesn’t.


Work, for us as believers, is on two levels. The work we must do to take care of our families and the work God has called us to. Regardless of the type of work we do, these two areas constantly overlap as we seek to be Christ’s ambassadors of reconciliation everywhere we are. Our work—faith turned into action in the workplace and the world—is always important to the Kingdom of God.


Stopping to recognize God in all the areas of our lives, turning to Him, thanking Him, loving Him, whether it’s a 3 second “thank you” under our breath or an hour on-your-face prayer time, worship is recognizing His authority in all things. Giving Him full reign in our lives and recognizing His holy place there.

Our WALK with Jesus impacts and empowers our WORK, bringing WORSHIP. Our WORK creates a dependence on our WALK, creating WORSHIP. Our WORSHIP both flows from and fuels the WALK and the WORK.

In 1st Chronicles 28:20, David was talking about the Temple, but we are now His temple to walk with Him, work for Him, and worship Him, so: “Take charge! Take heart! Don’t be anxious or get discouraged. God, my God, is with you in this; he won’t walk off and leave you in the lurch. He’s at your side until every last detail is completed for conducting the worship of God.” (MSG)


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