Owning Up

Saying that God owns everything is a massive statement in our lives.

Stating He owns all we have and we are only stewards is a strong declaration.

So, if this is indeed true, we must regularly ask …

Is there money in my bank account that needs to be put in someone else’s?

Is there time in my week that needs to be shared with someone else?

Is there a …

… gift I have that needs to be given to someone?

… skill I have that someone needs to improve their life?

… word I keep in my heart that needs to be spoken?

… idea I have been sitting on that needs to be acted upon?

… dream I keep inside that needs to see the light of day?

… Jesus in me that someone desperately needs to see and hear?

… life I have kept hidden that needs to be lived?

It’s not just about writing an occasional check. True stewardship of ALL God gives us means everything—everything in us needs to be put on the table—and shared—with Who He says. Because He’s the Owner.

That’s why there’s just one life—and it’s His.

“Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” —Luke 6:38 MSG

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