Movie Trailers vs Film Clips

The movie trailer has become a crucial marketing tool for the release of a movie. Most films now have 4 to 6 different versions of trailers with varied content and time lengths.

A growing pattern in movie reviews written by actual people is they will say that all the best scenes, the funniest scenes, the most powerful scenes, were in the trailer. And the deathblow in a movie review is: “If you’ve seen the trailer, those are the best scenes. Don’t waste your money!”

The obvious point of the reviewer is if you go pay the $10-$15 to see the entire film, you will waste both your time and money. The rest of the story itself is not worth it.

Today, our culture just wants to show “trailers.”

Take social media, for example. A family goes on vacation and there were several arguments, some really grumpy moments, some rainy weather, a few over-priced, marginal meals, and on and on. But the “trailer” everyone will see on social media looks like they all became angels and must have a time-share just south of Heaven. The “trailer” caption will read something like “Incredible, amazing day at beach with the fam!”

The most common “trailer” shown is although we woke up late, rushed out the door, spilled our coffee, remembered the bill we forgot to pay last night, when someone asks, “How’s it going?” the answer is: “Oh, awesome!”

Here’s the take-away: What do we show people about our Christianity? Is it always the same movie trailer or do we also show any scenes from the actual film?

Is it always Sunday morning in the Sunday best or do we also let people know there are Monday morning breakdowns? Is it always the smiley face/thumbs up emoji or do we let anyone see that some days are the pile of doodoo with bugeyes?

Hurting and lost people need to see the entire film of authentic Christ-followers to know life can work in Him in any and all circumstances. It’s not always social media pretty and perfect. God works just as well in the doodoo days. In fact, that’s when His grace looks the very best. Especially to someone who has never known or been shown grace before.

We tend to pick out the trailers to read from King David …

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! — Psalm 32:8

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. — Psalm 37:4

 But we mustn’t forget David showed us his entire film throughout Psalms …

I am worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with my tears. My vision is blurred by grief; my eyes are worn out because of all my enemies. — Psalm 6:6-7

Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin. For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night. Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight. — Psalm 51:2-4

1 comment

Michael February 21, 2017

Very good! So true. I have been guilty of hiding my hurts and bad days, but now if things aren't going well I don't hide it. How exhausting it must be to always try to make life seem like rainbows and butterflies. I enjoy your emails! Thanks!

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