When you ask a group of men, “How many of you want to change the world?!” most will answer with a resounding, “I do!” But the reality is most of us won’t change the world, because we’re just too busy trying to survive it. We can easily answer the rallying cry together, but when it’s […]
Years ago, the band I was in led worship on many occasions prior to Dave Busby speaking. Dave eventually died from cystic fibrosis, after ministering valiantly to thousands for many years while battling the disease. When Dave spoke to a men’s group, he would always say, “If at the end of this conference, you have […]
When any of us are asked to give someone our resume´or bio in any professional setting, we work hard to make ourselves sound as good as possible. That’s the point—sell your positives. Play down your negatives. However, when we sit in the quiet and reflect on our lives, the vast majority of us focuses on […]
It’s likely that the majority of you reading this own a smartphone. What if I told you that there was a new app that could change your life? It’s free. You just type in these words in the app store search box: “God’s Will,” under the Christian Life tag. Once you download it, every morning, […]
If you asked me what my fatal flaws are, my problem and struggle areas of life, I could tell you. Easily and quickly. I know them well. Why? Because I am aware, have been for years, and constantly pray and work on them. I bet you’re the same way. There’s a decent chance that if […]
We see an amazing transformation in the lives of Jesus’ disciples from the day they dropped their nets to the days after Jesus ascended into Heaven. Men full of doubts and questions, now preaching and healing in His name. Normal men and women daily living out a supernatural lifestyle. What happened to them? The life […]
As guys, we like it simple. As Christian guys, we want to follow Jesus, but we need constant inspiration to stay on track—to love our families, do our jobs, keep out of trouble, and put faith into action. Here’s 3 W’s that, hopefully, will bring some clarity and encouragement for you this week. 1—WALK Every […]
In Genesis chapter 2, we read the description of the Garden of Eden. In chapter 3, after sin was introduced, we see that Adam and Eve could hear God walking in the Garden, looking for them. The conclusion we can draw from these two chapters is that God was physically with Adam and Eve. He […]
If someone says or does something that bugs us, we have three possible responses. 1—Criticize We can criticize to his/her face or to others or both. A criticism is voicing and expressing disapproval, finding fault with behavior. I don’t know about you, but I rarely see my criticism of someone change his/her behavior. In fact, […]