Decades ago, someone came up with the concept of the fake I.D. High school and college students still make them today, as they did 30 years ago. In TV shows and movies, we see them created for all sorts of covert situations. The bottom line of the fake I.D. is to pass yourself off as […]
I turned 54 in December and one of the things I have noticed is the older I get and the more mature I become in Christ, the more I hate my own sin. When we’re young and feel bulletproof, it’s easy to know we shouldn’t do something, say something, or act a certain way, but […]
We all know that when we use a credit card and don’t pay it off the next month, three things are likely….interest will be charged, the next month’s activity is going to make the balance bigger, and the company will keep sending those annoying monthly statements reminding what we owe, the added interest, and exactly […]
How much of your life do you make about you? Which relationships center around you? Which settings center around you? Then here’s a bit different twist…where does it not center on you, but you desperately want it to? You walk into rooms determined that this time, it’s going to be about you, even though the […]
In 1 Samuel 18:7, we see a wedge being driven into what had the makings of an amazing relationship. They sang: Saul has killed a thousand enemies; David has killed ten thousand enemies! The king’s response? Jump to verse 9… Saul never again trusted David. What did David do to Saul? Well, nothing. But, from this […]
Have you ever wondered what can make us wake up one day and feel as though everything is going to be fine and feel at peace, but the next day have this sense of doom, while looking at the very same life? Or is that just me? A project I am writing for had placed […]
First, let’s define being stuck as forward motion has ceased. You are consistently remaining in the same place with no growth, no progress, and the longer you sit, the more the realization sets in that you are, indeed, stuck. It is also easy to think that running in place is forward motion, when in reality […]