Think about how many people you encounter in a single day? Think about yesterday. Think through everyone you stood in front of and dealt with on any level. The ones who “matter” and the ones who “don’t.” Wife, children, clerks, baristas, waiters, employees, bosses, co-workers, friends, homeless guy, random person in line beside you. Here’s […]
Who’s in charge of your world? Who calls the shots in your life? Who really makes your decisions for today and tomorrow? Who would your wife say is in charge of your world? Who would your kids say is in charge of your world? Who would your boss (or employees) say is in charge of […]
This is Day 4 of the Back to Basics series. While there is the occasional story of the athlete who trains completely alone and competes with no coach or trainer, such is a very rare situation. Why? Strategy, vision, discipline, planning, implementation, and motivation are simply stronger and more effective with a team. A boxer […]
After having spent the first 2 days on prayer, post #3 in our Back to Basics series is regarding engagement with God’s Word. Look at any stats available today and you’ll see that the average man, Christian or not, rarely reads a book. Certainly there are the extremes—guys who devour many in a month, then […]
Yesterday, we focused on the discipline of prayer as being a conversation with God. Today, we’re staying on prayer, but introducing a concept we don’t hear taught much. When most Christians think about prayer, it means working through a list of cares regarding one’s own life, plus voicing concerns for others. But the other side […]
When I teach at a men’s event, one of the things I say every time, early on, is, “Christian men don’t fall morally, because they just didn’t have a good grip on their end times theology or they were unable to properly exegete the Book of James. They fall, because they forget to do the […]
This is a follow-up from yesterday’s post—The Bad Guy. There are so many situations in our world today where we blame a person, or a group of people, as responsible for the downfall of many. Here are a few areas where we polarize and blame flesh and blood. Government—Federal, state, and local Judicial System Educational […]
Life seems to always have some drama somewhere for us all. Family, friends, work, church, neighbors, anywhere there are people, drama will ensue. Some scenarios last just a few hours; others drag on for years. When we watch a drama on TV or a movie, there is one common denominator—every good drama has to have […]
As a Christian, do you believe we have a responsibility to be an influence for Christ to those we come into contact with? In the past 5 years, would you say your human interaction has decreased, increased, or stayed the same? With the culture going ever faster, isolation increasing, and reliance is placed on social […]
Often, one of the thoughts floating around in our heads at any given time is wanting a job someone else has. Wanting a house someone else has. A car someone else has. A talent or skill someone else has. If yours is something else other than this list, you know it. It’s the idea that […]