This past September, my wife and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary. This spiritual and mystical mystery of “the two becoming one” cannot be better explained than by something that happened at the church we planted and pastored for 9 years. As my wife and I ministered to people there, to families, and specifically to many couples, I began to notice that when people would refer to us, they would say our names together—like it was one word. My name is Robert and her name is Robin, so it would come out like this: Robertnrobin. One single five-syllable word.
Robin and I did so much of our ministry together that this new word the church members unintentionally invented was heard often. “Yeah, we met with Robertnrobin last week.” “When we shared our situation with Robertnrobin, they thought we should try this.” On and on. Likely, no one noticed it except me, but I smiled to myself every time I heard it.
To our church and anyone in the community we ministered to, a new word recognizing a new “person” was invented. See, if you just had Robert, or you just had Robin, it wasn’t the same thing. While we certainly did ministry separately at times, when you heard “Robertnrobin”, it referred to a synergy and an experience larger and stronger than the individual persons.
That’s the Biblical concept of marriage—what God does in the hearts, souls, lives, and gifts of any couple that calls Him Lord. He creates a oneness that doesn’t exist in the same manner outside of the two working together. It is indeed a spiritual and mystical mystery that only God can create.
So, say you and your wife’s names together. Do you see and sense the unity created? Do you recognize the life that your marriage gives by the fusion of you both that can bring glory and witness to your Lord? As the traditional family comes more and more under attack, as Christ followers, let’s place our focus on creating oneness that can only be explained by the presence and power of Almighty God.
Because of this, a man leaves father and mother, and in marriage he becomes one flesh with a woman—no longer two individuals, but forming a new unity. Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart.” —Mark 10:7-9 MSG
1 comment
Bobby Bentz November 27, 2012
Good post there Robert. My wife and I's fast name would be Bobbynallison. I think also the remembrance of unity as becoming one flesh is such an important thing. To remember just how we feel about our wives all the time, especially in tough times. Thanks for sharring. I really enjoy readng your blogs. Your buddy. Bobby Bentz .