The digital footprint. One of those phrases that didn’t exist just a few years ago. It’s the trail we leave on-line. But it’s not like a physical footprint, because no matter what you do, it’s there, even when history is “erased.” It’s how the sidebar ads magically show you that book you looked at on […]
This past September, my wife and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary. This spiritual and mystical mystery of “the two becoming one” cannot be better explained than by something that happened at the church we planted and pastored for 9 years. As my wife and I ministered to people there, to families, and specifically to […]
I had a deep discussion recently with a young ministry leader. His dilemma was not at all uncommon, so I want to address an often-experienced leadership issue here. Whether you’re a pastor, small group leader, men’s ministry coordinator, or even just an engaged Christian that ministers to your brothers and sisters wherever you can, this […]
I recently spoke at a two-day men’s event where I taught four times. So, there was about three hours that I was on the platform, in front of the entire group, doing exactly what the sponsors brought me in to do. There was, however, another 41 hours I was at this event. So, because I […]
After settling into a new state in our new home this past summer, we found ourselves in the “Church Search Zone”—that dreaded journey for any Christian family. What’s funny is, most of the time, you know in about 10 minutes if a church even has a shot for you or not, but you have to […]
There is a lot of construction going on in our neighborhood and so there are several port-a-potties scattered throughout. One morning last week as I was turning into our subdivision, there was a large truck parked against the curb. It was from the company that maintained the port-a-potties. The truck had a huge vacuum device […]