In 1 Kings 20, we find Syria planning to attack Israel again. The Syrian leaders make this decision: Last time, Israel defeated us in the hills, so that’s the reason we lost. If we can fight them on flat land, in the valley between the mountains, we can win.
1 Kings 20:28: “The prophet went to Ahab and said, “The Syrians think the Lord is a god of the hills and not of the valleys. So he has promised to help you defeat their powerful army. Then you will know that the Lord is in control.”
Within only a few more verses, we see God prove He is Lord over not only the hills, but the valleys.
It’s easy to read this chapter and think, “How ridiculous! Why would they excuse one defeat by thinking God is limited to certain areas?”
Here’s how we often create this same scenario in our own lives…
I believe He is God over my family, but I can’t trust Him with my finances.
I believe He is God over my church, but not my career.
I believe He will watch over my kids, but He can’t change my marriage.
I believe He is God over forgiveness of sin, but not the healing of my heart.
I believe He can intervene in a crisis, but not in the daily details of my life.
I believe He blesses Tom, but not me.
You see it? You see the God-of-the-hills-but-not-the-valleys syndrome we too can create? The limitations we can also place on a limitless God? The manner in which we can place faith in one area and not another?
So, where are your hills where God rules?
But where are your valleys where you believe He doesn’t—or can’t?
What will it take for Him to be Lord over your entire life? Every hill and every valley.
Faith is a journey, not a destination, so, for today, why not just let Him take over the next valley in your life?
I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there?My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! —Psalm 121:1-2 NLT
Dave Woodruff May 1, 2014
Thank you, I have never heard it put so clearly before.
Robert Noland May 1, 2014
Thank you, brother. The encouragement is a blessing. Glad it spoke to you.
Frankie Rainey May 2, 2014
AMEN, again! Frankie