“God moved and stirred hearts to action in our men's ministry! Robert is a very effective communicator and has that unique countenance of humble strength that reaches into men's lives and pierces their hearts. He has a giftedness to take difficult topics and bring them into the light in a non-threatening way so that men are able to address them in an encouraging environment.”
“Robert’s content is simple and yet profound, practical and yet deep. He is not afraid to speak to the difficult issues facing us in today’s culture, yet does so with grace and love. Our men were challenged to grow deeper in relationships with God and each other and to stand up to be the spiritual leaders God has called them to be.”
“The Word of God was proclaimed mightily and the message resonated strongly. The work, the mission, and the Kingly tenets taught are building up the body of Christ, calling men back into right relationship with Him and one another, making a difference for his Kingdom here on Earth.”
“Robert’s teaching showed me ways to step back up as a Christian man. Combined with Scripture, it also gave me a better insight and understanding of the Bible.”
“Robert teaches from a Biblical perspective, always pointing us back to our relationship with Christ. He held each man’s full attention the whole time. After the conference, those attending started a men’s ministry in our church.”
“We have seen men’s lives changed, awakened to Truth and a way of life they were not walking in, making them better Christ followers, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, employees, and church members.”
“I took one of my sons to participate in “The Knights Code” conference. We both took notes, as Robert was both engaging and informative. We loved that he was approachable and just another one of us—men trying to navigate life. The event is a lot of bang for the buck. I look forward to taking my other son.”
“Robert has the ability to connect with men from all walks of life, all ages and stages. His calm demeanor and simplistic approach allow every man to let down their guard and be real. He presents information to men in a way they understand and leave challenged.”
“Since Robert led our men's conference, there have been several groups of men meeting together and holding each other accountable. The testimonies coming in from men's groups are very exciting about how Jesus is working in men because they are being open with each other, seeking Him in a fresh and new way.”
“Thanks for your obedience, your boldness in proclamation, your humility of spirit, and for sharing your wisdom.”