This week’s Live Bold article: Peace in the Battles If link does not function, paste in browser:
We moved two years and four months ago. In that first week as I set up our main TV and DVD player, I placed the remote with it that I had put in the box before moving. Over the past two plus years, every time I play a DVD through that system, I have a […]
When a Man Refuses to Be a Man If link is unavailable, paste in browser:
This past Sunday, my wife and I celebrated 29 years of marriage. In this culture, there is an inherent sense of accomplishment in being able to say that; however, we are quick to point out that our marriage has survived and thrived, because we are one with and in Christ. I want to pass on […]
Life is a constant balancing act. As men, that is a daily battle—to juggle without dropping. In fact, as Christian men, our balance involves more—spirit vs. flesh, sin vs. obedience, ministry vs. money, and on it goes. I’m putting the final touches on a new book, co-authored with Christian communicator E.J. Swanson, entitled Stop Watching, […]
I recently presented my Knight’s Code conference with about 90 men in attendance from several different churches and denominations. After the end of the Friday night sessions, a guy walks up to me, introduces himself, and says, “I think you need to know that your book [The Knight’s Code] saved my marriage and I just […]
Following a Knights Code conference this past weekend in Burleson, TX, I spoke at Lifegate Church on Sunday morning presenting my Knight’s Code message geared for the entire church. Audio available in this link: The Knight’s Code Message If a technical issue arises with the link, actual URL is
I had a very unique, amazing experience happen to me this past weekend. I met a brother that I didn’t know I had, didn’t even know he existed. Wild, huh? No, I didn’t meet a biological brother, but a spiritual brother. In fact, by the end of the weekend, I had personally met at least […]
Accidental and Intentional—a major dividing line by which we live. First, let’s define accidental. Those events in our lives that “just happen.” We don’t really plan them, anticipate them, or allow for them, they seemingly just occur. “I had no idea that was gojng to take so long. What I planned on being a half […]
There was a King who reigned over a Kingdom as far as one could see. For everyone and everything in it, He cared for them by His laws and justice, yet ruled with grace and mercy as well. There was a son of the King, whom the King loved and constantly blessed. He had taken […]