The Genesis Precedent

In Genesis 1, we see there was nothing and then God created something. All the somethings that He created from animals to birds to fish to plants to mankind, once they were brought into existence, He said they were good. Complete, right, blessed.

God has placed in us very special and unique personalities, skill sets, gifts, and talents. He placed those in us for that same good to be produced. But we get the choice as to what we do with those, making us stewards of the good.

When we turn all that He placed in us over to Him, allow Him to be involved, and partner with Him, He makes them good, like Genesis 1 kind of good. That’s called redemption.

Every day, God allows us the unique ability to constantly recreate Genesis moments, taking nothingness, blank space, nonexistence and create good by placing something there that was not there before to bring about blessing. We decide to create, we give ourselves to God, He produces what only He can, and good occurs.

There are Genesis moments that happen in a matter of seconds while some take 30 years. But we must not miss that what God began back at the nothingness, He allows and invites us into that exact same process many times every day. We may just call them normal or life but He calls them good and we dare not miss His affirmation.

This week, don’t miss the many Genesis moments God will allow in your life where you and He can look at something brought from nothing and say it is good. A conversation with someone where encouragement was brought out of nothingness to produce hope. An act of kindness that plants another seed for the Gospel. A project begun from scratch and brought to full fruition and function. A job produced and completed that helped people.

If you question your life and the good, the value you have created, then take a few moments to write down the somethings that you and He have been a part of creating from nothingness, from passions to people to projects. You will find the good of Genesis, the good of your life, the good of God there.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. —Romans 8:28 NLT

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. —Matthew 5:16 NLT


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