Controversial Connotation

Over the past few years, a new term has been coined by the government or the media or both. The word is “self-radicalized.”

The term refers to someone who commits a terrorist act or attack but isn’t connected officially or directly to any recognized terroristic organization. Typically, as soon as a self-radical is either detected or captured, a sweep of their social media, online activity, cell phone traffic, bank accounts, etc. determines the person had made the decision completely on his own to study, engage, and act upon the teaching of a terror organization. No one had to recruit them or draw them in and train them. They chose it themselves and took action.

The person radicalized themselves through very intensive study and committed training. By the time we hear of a “self-radical” on the news, their commitment level has been proven because they have engaged in some form or level of terror activity out in the world to impact the culture in the name of their cause.

But what about God’s version of the self-radical? The Christ followers who have made the sole decision to engage in intensive study and committed training to carry out His actions on the field and impact culture in the name of His cause? The ones you can scan their social media, online activity, cell phone traffic, bank accounts, etc. and find evidence of radical Christ-like activity?

There are many words in our language that need desperately to be redeemed and “self-radicalized” is one of them.

This is what the Scriptures said: that the promised Anointed One should suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, that in His name a radical change of thought and life should be preached, and that in His name the forgiveness of sins should be preached, beginning in Jerusalem and extending to all nations. You have witnessed the fulfillment of these things. —Luke 24:46-48 (Voice)

But the free gift of grace bears no resemblance to Adam’s crime that brings a death sentence to all of humanity; in fact, it is quite the opposite. For if the one man’s sin brings death to so many, how much more does the gift of God’s radical grace extend to humanity since Jesus the Anointed offered His generous gift. —Romans 5:15 (Voice)

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