We moved two years and four months ago. In that first week as I set up our main TV and DVD player, I placed the remote with it that I had put in the box before moving. Over the past two plus years, every time I play a DVD through that system, I have a problem with the remote. The pause button won’t work; I have to hit play to pause; some buttons work, some don’t, and some functions respond on the wrong button. My solution has been to get somewhat frustrated each time and always wonder, “what is wrong with this crazy remote”?
This past weekend as my wife was reorganizing some bins in the garage, I looked into one of them where I had placed all of my random electronic cables, cords, etc. There in the middle of those tangled wires was a Samsung remote. . . . Then it hit me. The extremely dim light bulb I possess lit up.
I went straight to the system, pointed the remote at the DVD player and TV, hitting every function button on it in sequence. It all worked perfectly. . . . Yes, I had placed a Samsung remote with that system that looked much like the right one . . . but it was the wrong one. Nearly two and a half years of malfunction could have been saved with simply replacing it with the proper device, which was sitting unused in the garage the entire time.
It was one of those impromptu Fatherly teaching moments with the Lord. “Robert, where else, in places that matter much more than this, do you keep trying to make something function, insisting that it looks like the right answer, but every time it just doesn’t quite work right, yet each time frustrates you…and the right answer is very near?”
Today, I’ll leave you with that question for yourself . . .
God alone knows the way to Wisdom, he knows the exact place to find it. —Job 28:23 MSG
1 comment
Kip Boydston September 24, 2013
Good stuff! Or, just as bad, how many times do we know it's the wrong answer, but give up trying to even look for the right answer because we're just comfortable with the situation we're in?