Claustrophobia at Christmas

Years ago, while the band I was in at the time was leading worship for speaker/author/radio host Dawson McAllister, he taught a truth regarding Christ’s birth that I had never heard before and it has always stuck with me. I think about it every Christmas and wanted to share it today. Dawson said . . […]

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Manger Moments

This time of year, we start seeing Nativity scenes, either in a reenactment or play, or maybe in a movie, or in a painting. There is often a sense of stillness, peace, and awe associated with the setting of Jesus, just moments after His birth, lying in the manger with Joseph and Mary looking on. […]

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The Spirit of Christmas Future

This is my fourth and final article for this 2011 Christmas series, having looked at some of the characters of Christmas, particularly some of the often-overlooked people and details. As is fitting and even a bit predictable with any Christmas focus—this ends with Jesus. It’s also fitting to present this to you after Christmas, when […]

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Meet Mary and uh, What’s-His-Name

Let’s talk about the guy who probably is not your most gazed-upon figure in the manger scene. The most overlooked, yet crucial person in the Christmas story is the earthly father of Jesus—Joseph. . . . Wait, just a second. Jesus’ dad?! Wow! Can you imagine being chosen to raise God’s only Son? I want […]

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Not So Silent Night

A childhood memory for so many of us was watching A Charlie Brown Christmas on TV. The big turning point is when Charlie Brown desperately screams out, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!” Linus then calmly, confidently answers, “Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.” He […]

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The Villain of the Christmas Story

I want to begin this December series by focusing on a character that we read about in the Christmas story, yet is never found in the little ceramic manger scenes. He’s never in the painted depictions of peaceful Bethlehem, but his violent presence was definitely in full view in those days. The king called Herod. […]

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